Info & Help
In case of an emergency (24/7) call:
- 911
- SOS Violence Conjugale: 1 800 363-9010 (24/7) or 438-601-1211
- Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels – IVAC 1 800 561-4822 (Canada) and 514 906-3019 (Montreal)
A place to stay
To stay in a shelter, contact:
- Shield of Athena: 514-274-8117
- SOS Violence Conjugale: 1 800 363-9010 (24/7) or 438-601-1211
Talk to a social worker
- Shield of Athena: 514-274-8117
- SOS Violence Conjugale: 1 800 363-9010 (24/7) or 438-601-1211
Legal assistance
- To find a lawyer: You may be eligible for a free lawyer, depending on your income and situation. Ask your social worker if possible or call the Legal Aid offices 514-864-2111.
- If you are not eligible for legal aid and would like help finding a lawyer, the Barreau de Montréal’s Referral Service provides anyone who requests it and is able to pay (or eligible for legal aid) with the name of a lawyer voluntarily registered with the service and willing to offer an initial one-hour consultation for $60 plus taxes, if applicable. This service is provided by lawyers who are members of the Barreau de Montréal chapter and have experience in all areas of law. If the problem requires additional legal services and you agree to pursue the matter, you will have to agree personally with the lawyer concerning the mandate and the fees to be paid, if it is not a legal aid mandate (, 514 866-2490).
- Le Bouclier d’Athéna also offers legal information services at our legal clinic
- McGill Legal Information Clinic, 438-944-6545
- Request a consultation from the Clinique juridique of the Barreau, 514-954-9512
- Rebâtir offers 4 hours of free legal advice in all areas of law, 1-833-732-2847
Basic information
If you’d like to know more about your legal rights and the law in Canada in general, you can:
- Consult this hyperlink:
- Call the McGill Legal Information Clinic: 514-398-6792
- Call the Jeune Barreau de Montréal telephone legal clinic:
- Legal Clinics 1844 779 6232
- E-mail:
- Call the Saint-Michel Legal Clinic: 514-621-4737
- Legal Information Clinic at McGill 514.398.6792
To speak with a social worker, call:
- Shield of Athena 514.274.8117
- Sos violence conjugale 514.873.9010
Basic information
- If you want to learn more about your legal rights and the law in Canada in general, you can can:
- Visit :
- Call the Legal Information Clinic at McGill : 514-398-6792
- Call the Young Bar of Montreal: Legal Services (514) 954 3487 prepare people for their hearing date 514-954-3487 consult the Young Bar’s website for more information
- Legal clinics 1 844 779 6232 ;
- Email :
- Call Saint-Michel Legal information Clinic (438) 300-7771
Information on immigration
- Immigration Québec
- Telephone: 1-877-864-9191
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
- Telephone: 1-888-242-2100
You are a victim of violence or forced marriage
- There is a special line available for victims of violence or forced marriage: Call 1-888-242-2100 and select the option for victims of violence or forced marriage.
Other Resources